Phase Before Construction

Pre-construction starts as soon as you choose fence installers port st. lucie to finish the project. Before the fence can be erected, this step has to be finished. It entails securing permits, identifying the utility lines, and having an on-site meeting with the fence estimator.

  • Visit of the Fence Estimator

Typically, fence firms separate their outside employees into two categories: estimators and builders.Using a wheel-style measuring equipment or a lengthy measuring tape, the estimator calculates the desired fence's run. The estimate will check with you on a number of items, including easements, property line, material type, and fence style.

The fence estimators' task is to make an estimate before moving on to the next project. However, a lot of estimators already have practical expertise and a solid understanding of the industry.

  • Permit for Fencing

Whether you install your fence yourself or by hiring a professional, some places need you to get a permit before you can begin construction. Find out if the fence contractors will be taking care of the permit application procedure by speaking with them.

The builders will take longer to come, but the estimator will normally show quite immediately. Two to six weeks is the usual wait period, however this might vary depending on your location, the time of year, the business, and other elements. If you are in charge of obtaining a fence permit, make sure to do it as soon as you can to avoid delaying the builders' work with the permitting procedure.

  • Identify utility lines

The fence business should schedule a visit from the nearby utility marking provider early on in the fence installation process. The fence firm will designate your yard with this often free service so they can steer clear of utility lines when they dig. Find out if the fence installation business will handle scheduling this service or if you'll need to get in touch with the nearby utility marking service on your own by speaking with the fencing contractor or the customer service representatives.

Phase of Construction

You may schedule a time for the installers to visit and begin building the new fence once the estimators visit the house.

  • Following Hole Diggers

You must schedule a time for the fence installation firm to visit the property and dig the fence post holes before the fence is actually erected. A small team with portable post-hole diggers will be all that is needed for this task. If the ground is very difficult, they may also employ an electric or gas post-hole digger to swiftly break through the earth. To assist prevent the fence from shifting, moving, or collapsing due to frost heaves, the holes should be dug far into the earth such that the bottoms of the fence posts rest below the frost line. Frost heaves are not an issue in areas that are warm all year round.

  • Position Posts

The fence contractors may choose to finish this step of the procedure later on, or they may choose to place the posts the same day they dig the post holes. While some builders may attach galvanised post brackets at the soil level to assist protect the post's base, others may put the posts straight into the concrete. To find out if post brackets will be used or if the fence posts will be placed straight into the concrete, speak with your contractor. The concrete will require time to dry and cure once the posts are installed.

  • Building of Fencing

A team will install gates, vertical fence boards, horizontal stringers, and all other components of your fence once the posts and fence post brackets are securely in place. Stringers are omitted from a horizontal fence that you decide to construct. 

Phase After Construction

In order to guarantee that the fence lasts for many years, it must be completed and the jobsite cleaned after completion. Additionally, you want to use this chance to assess the job and choose the best course of action for maintaining and caring for the newly installed fence.

  • Closing and Wiping

Following fence construction, the workers should remove any leftover materials, trash, and other garbage. You will be able to look over the fence and see whether there are any problems or obvious material flaws. You might be able to have the fence stained and coated for protection, depending on the services the provider offers; however, this will often take place on a subsequent visit. The fence firm may choose to do the finishing work in-house at times, or it may contract out the work to another business.

  • Care and Maintenance

While having a fence in the yard has many advantages and may even raise the value of the house, it requires regular maintenance to prevent warping, rot, and other structural problems. The fence has to be cleaned, sanded, and stained or UV-treated approximately once every three to five years. It is advised that you get in touch with fence company port st. lucie provides continuous maintenance and upkeep services if you don't think you can do this task on your own.


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